Medio Ambiente

E-Waste Systems Announces Global Rollout of Carbon Credit Technology for eWaste

Internacional (Marketwired, 01 de Agosto de 2013) Public Launch at Microsoft Store in Costa Mesa on August 15th, 2013

Internacional (Marketwired, 01 de Agosto de 2013) Public Launch at Microsoft Store in Costa Mesa on August 15th, 2013E-Waste Systems, Inc. (OTCQB: EWSI) (the "Company"), an electronic waste, reverse logistics, and management services company, announced today the global rollout of its eWaste Carbon Credit (eWasteCC™) technology. A public launch and demonstration will take place on August 15th, 2013 from 8:00am to 10:00am at the Microsoft Store in Costa Mesa, CA.

This breakthrough technology brings the first public carbon credit trading ability to the e-waste industry. eWasteCC™ is a software solution of EWSI, developed with Village Green Global ("VGG"), to be operated under the eWaste Carbon Credit (eWasteCC™) brand name. 

"We are thrilled to offer eWasteCC™ to our customers, affiliates, subsidiaries and licensees," stated Martin Nielson, Founder and CEO of EWSI. "We invite all of our shareholders, stakeholders, and potential resellers to join us at the public launch."

An invitation to the public launch and demonstration is posted on EWSI's website:

"We are excited to build on the success of SMARTWeb™ in driving changes that simultaneously benefit the environment and the bottom line of our clients," said Doug Smith, Founder and CEO of VGG. "We are also pleased to have met our previously announced expectation of Q3 availability for eWasteCC™, having begun development in March 2013."

The exponential proliferation of electronics, including global manufacturing, distribution, and the resultant e-waste, leaves a massive carbon footprint. It is estimated that the embodied emissions in electronic goods imported to the US alone increased nearly 300% from ~170 Million metric tons of CO2 in 1997 to ~470 Million metric tons just seven years later.[1]

Responsible recycling of electronics recovers constituent materials that would otherwise be wasted and cause environmental contamination in a landfill. Recycling these materials requires less energy than and lowers the need for mining virgin natural resources, reducing the carbon footprint of electronics throughout their lifecycle.

eWasteCC™ is a proprietary e-waste software technology that identifies and quantifies the energy usage of electronic assets with the objective of reducing energy consumption, achieving compliant recycling, and facilitating carbon trading. The module integrates with VGG's SMARTWeb™ system — a proprietary and scalable energy reporting and carbon accounting tool offered as Software as a Service (SaaS) to large greenhouse gas emitters and other organizations to reduce their energy and operating costs, validate their emissions, document their reductions, and support carbon credit trading.

The global carbon market is estimated at $84 billion at the end of 2012.[2] Since 2010, trading activity in the world's carbon markets has increased steadily by around 25% each year, with estimated transaction volumes of 10.7 billion metric tons in 2012 — equivalent to a third of the world's total emissions of CO2.[3] As of June 2013, California raised more than $280 million selling greenhouse gas emission permits in its third auction, with businesses paying a record $14 per metric ton for the right to release carbon this year.[4]

"Bringing the carbon credit and e-waste communities together creates broader awareness, provides further incentives, and thus accelerates adoption of proper e-waste recycling services," stated Mr. Nielson. "It also enlarges EWSI's market opportunity, where our eWasteCC™ technology will give us a unique edge." Expanding EWSI's technology offerings is one of the three primary goals for EWSI this year, along with expanding the Company's global brands and accelerating its revenues. 

Also collaborating with EWSI and VGG on eWasteCC™ is Semper Pacific Wealth Strategies (SPWS), an investment advisory and business development firm, and its CEO Michael W. Malott, who is also a material investor in the module. "In today's business climate it's paramount that owners and executives alike constantly strive to streamline operations and create efficiencies within their corporate structure. There is no doubt that our SaaS (eWasteCC™) can make a tremendous difference when it comes to IT asset management and disposition. It truly does provide a birdseye view for managers who are charged with maximizing asset value and reducing the liability or the environmental impact of their electronic waste. We are pleased with the progress that has been made and eager to place these tools into the hands of the end users," said Mr. Malott.

For more information as it happens, follow @EWasteSystemsIn on Twitter and Facebook and on the company's blog at

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[1] Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE International Symposium on Electronics and the Environment
Carbon Emissions Embodied in Importation, Transport and Retail of Electronics in the U.S.: A Growing Global Issue, Orlando, FL, USA, May 07-May 10, ISBN: 1-4244-0861-X.
[2] Environmental Leader,
[4] Environmental Leader,

Industry Expansion
The e-waste and reverse logistics market has become a $100B+ annual business (Source: Blumberg Advisory Group, Inc.), excluding much of the resale of still usable goods that flood the marketplace as new updates in software and hardware are released. Furthermore, as environmental legislation and policies sets more stringent requirements for the disposal of these items, many analysts and practitioners expect e-waste to grow faster than any other waste stream over the next 5 years. The benefits of e-waste management and recycling are many, including conservation of natural resources, creation of new jobs, prevention of environmental contamination by toxic chemicals, and reduction of energy requirements.

About VGG
Village Green Global Inc. ("VGG") is a private company that has developed scalable energy and carbon accounting software, offered as a service (SaaS), to large greenhouse gas emitters for corporate social responsibility reporting and compliance management. Once objectively measured by VGG's software, emissions or energy saved by a greenhouse gas emitter can be publically and privately sold as energy or emission credits to generate a new source of revenue to support energy efficiency and improved profitability. VGG's core activities are the development and sale of energy and carbon accounting software services, environmental education and consulting, and the verification of energy or emission credits for carbon trading. For more information, visit

About Semper Pacific
Semper Pacific Wealth Strategies (SPWS) is a boutique investment advisory firm specializing in commodity futures, futures options, hedging and Foreign Exchange (FOREX).

About E-Waste Systems, Inc.
E-Waste Systems, Inc. is the first pure play public company in the emerging waste electrical and electronics equipment ("WEEE") industry. EWSI targets companies facing regulatory or other mandates for handling e-waste. EWSI operates and assists its large geographical network of affiliates, applying best practices in professional management, offering state-of-the-art engineering, and providing a truly global e-waste solution. Additional information, including the business plan summary, is available on the Company's website:

Safe Harbor Statement: Certain statements and information in this release constitute "forward-looking statements" as defined in the Federal Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Such forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause the actual results, performance or achievements of the Company to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied in such statements. Additional discussion of factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from management's projections, estimates and expectations is contained in the Company's SEC filings. The Company assumes no obligation to update any forward-looking statements as a result of new information, future events or developments, except as required by federal securities laws.


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E-Waste Systems, Inc.

Investor Relations