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Hunt Down the Guy Who Downloaded the Malware That Infiltrated Your Network

Internacional (Marketwired, 06 de Agosto de 2013) 21CT's LYNXeon™ Security Analytics Solution Dramatically Reduces Time to Detect and Mitigate Previously Hidden Network Security Attacks Using Metadata From Bro Network Security Monitor

Internacional (Marketwired, 06 de Agosto de 2013) 21CT's LYNXeon™ Security Analytics Solution Dramatically Reduces Time to Detect and Mitigate Previously Hidden Network Security Attacks Using Metadata From Bro Network Security MonitorBro Exchange — Rapidly detecting advanced network breaches that passed through perimeter defenses has become a daily mandate for security analysts. They need deeper analytics and visualization of both user and application metadata in order to find threats. As announced today at Bro Exchange, 21CT has taken the next step by providing a security analytics and visualization solution with the capability to connect, visualize, and analyze the high-fidelity user and application metadata generated from Bro network sensors. Combined with LYNXeon's library of security data connectors, organizations now have an accurate and complete picture of previously undetected network security breaches and can immediately reduce time for root-cause analysis, incident response and mitigation.

The Bro Network Security Monitor is a powerful software tool that provides any organization with comprehensive network traffic information. The high-level application layer information that is provided by Bro is extensible to the needs of an organization and includes DNS, HTTP, SMTP, SSH, SSL and IRC. Security teams utilize this data to rapidly pinpoint and comprehensively remediate attacks on their networks. Using Bro data with LYNXeon, network security teams can effortlessly and proactively hunt for the most sophisticated attacks and dramatically reduce both time to detect and time to mitigate.

"Hey, look at this!"
"Security analysts have to contend with huge volumes of data every day as they struggle to fend off attacks — data that is often not useful on its own and provides little actionable intelligence," said Robert Williams, 21CT chief product officer. "When you feed high-fidelity metadata from sources like Bro into LYNXeon security analytics and visualization, all of a sudden the analyst is shouting to colleagues and managers, 'Hey, look at this!' I've been in the room when this happens, and it's like a hunter shining a floodlight in the bush and watching critters' eyes light up. Now the team has the actionable intelligence it needs to truly analyze, detect and mitigate the attacks from critters they know are living inside their network."

It starts with the data; it ends with the analytics
On the heels of the release of LYNXeon v2.29 last month, today's announcement continues the market momentum of this award-winning security analytics and visualization solution. The LYNXeon Bro Connector joins a library of data connectors for key security data, including network connection data, intrusion detection alerts, malware detection alerts, threat feeds and application metadata. Built by security analysts for security analysts, LYNXeon can be deployed at any organization and before the end of the day provide that security team with:

Unprecedented visibility into the inner workings of the network and the interrelatedness of events.
Dramatic reduction of business-critical time to detection and time to mitigation from days and months to a matter of minutes.
Ability to identify never-before-seen malicious behavior and build predictive models to detect these attack patterns in the future.
Deep visualization of network data combined with graph pattern matching analytics to directly pinpoint attacks, breaches and vulnerabilities.

21CT security analyst to demonstrate Bro Analytics live
Bro Exchange attendees can see the product in action when 21CT security analyst Karl Kamin showcases how to use the data generated by Bro for complete security analytics during his presentation "Bro Data Analysis of Historical, Large Data Sets" on August 8 at 9:00 a.m.

About 21CT
21CT data analytics and visualization solutions illuminate the intelligence in your data. Using LYNXeon from 21CT, organizations gain the operational and actionable insight needed to harden network security, detect healthcare fraud, document criminal behavior and more. For more information and to find out how to illuminate the intelligence from your data, visit


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Sarah Murray
Attune Communications
+1 (781) 378-2674
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